Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Thanksgiving will be here in a few weeks and my husband and I are hosting our very first holiday in our newly renovated home. We are both so excited to have a holiday in our own house and to not have to leave and go somewhere else. It seems every holiday is crazy, running here and there and not even being able to enjoy the day. Finally with my house big enough I can have everyone come over and I won't have to leave the comfort of my house. FINALLY! I am also looking forward to Christmas, I got a huge early jump on my Christmas shopping this year! Smart move, considering I have no idea what a few weeks will bring. That is the most frustrating part of this pregnancy; the big giant question mark that hangs over my head. How long will I go? When can I work until? Will I have to go on bed rest? The insane amount of doctors appointments help with all my questions but it's still a big giant question that no one can give me the answer to. I basically just have to go day by day and take it from there. I am hoping to make it working until 35 weeks. My OB seems to think that will be my max, and then we hope to deliver sometime between 37 and 38 weeks (Feb 17-20). I have double the appointments then someone with a singleton pregnancy. I go to my OB every 4 weeks and my specialist (because it's twins) every 4 also. I am very closely watched so that helps ease my mind on any issues that may pop up. They will also catch a potential issue possibly early, or watch a problem progress into something. So far, there is no real issues, except for a little protein in my urine. And according to my doctor it's my issue not his since there is only a small amount. I just need that small amount to stay small, at least for another 12 weeks! So that's why I am trying to get everything I need done for the holidays finished. So I can enjoy the month of December and grow, grow, grow!

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