Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Aches and Pains

My biggest complaint is back pain, holy cow it's killer. And the strangest thing about the whole thing is it comes and goes with no explanation. I have mentioned it at the doctors and they just keep saying it is due to the weight of the babies. It's just nerve wracking because it's a symptom of pre-term labor. So they said as long as it goes away if I lay down or rest then I am good to go. I had it in the beginning of the pregnancy when I started to really show and I have it now again when I'm even bigger. I am also having the strangest pain that goes straight up my "area". It's weird, and I'm not sure if its stretching pains or something more serious. I called my OB regarding it last week and the nurse told me it was ligaments stretching, but to me its a sharper pain, not a sore stretching pain. This is another disappearing symptom. Went away after I called and not even a week later its back...full blown! So I am going to make another phone call today before the Thanksgiving break.

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