Monday, January 13, 2014

32 week ultrasound

Just had my 32 week scan and both babies are a whopping 4.7lbs! That's 9.4lbs of baby in my belly - I can't get over it! I've been feeling really great. My husband and I were so happy when we left the appointment knowing the size of the babies. Not that they are ready to come out, but MAN are they close!!! I noticed I was a little more anxious than normal that night when I came home. I was happy leaving the appointment knowing they were so big, but that night I got a little freaked out knowing I had almost 10 lbs of baby in my belly -- That's a lot for little old, 5'2, me. And then it clicked......I could possibly end up with almost 14lbs of baby! YIKES!!! How is that even possible to do? We shall see, maybe now my doctor will take me at 37 weeks instead of waiting the 38. I'm all about letting them cook but truthfully I want them out when they are healthy and won't be too much of a strain on my body. Right now I feel great and I want to keep on feeling great. I have three weeks left of work and then two weeks free to spend with my daughter before the babies come. This week coming (33) I start my fetal monitoring...I have no idea what to expect so I will keep in touch. Here's the 3D image we came home with from this ultrasound - Baby B (boy) 32 weeks (Baby A was not cooperative)

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