Friday, January 31, 2014

35 weeks!

Yesterday marked 35 weeks! I am currently going once a week to the ob, twice a week to non stress tests along w ultrasounds, and throw in a specialist appointment every now and then! Needless to say they are keeping a CLOSE eye on me and these precious babies! My section is scheduled for Feb. 20 and today was my last day of work! (35 weeks and 1 day) I'm so happy I made it to my work goal. I was very afraid of having to leave work early and being put on bed rest. But so far everything, knock on wood, is perfect! My ob said since we are doing so well he is going to schedule the section at my kind of him! lol ( that what this is called?!) I have been very lucky - not until last week did I really have a complaint about anything. Last week I started with some serious pain and pressure. I was unfamiliar with anything like that since I had zero symptoms with my daughter. He said since I carried 41.5 weeks with her this should be a breeze to make it to full term (38 weeks). Now that I am done working hopefully things will be a little easier. I know I am TIRED of having to depend on other people for doing little things that were at one time nothing, like vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, and laundry. I better enjoy it now because soon it will all be over and Ill be back to baring the load! A few days until my next specialist screen at 36 weeks. Cant wait to see how big these jumping beans are!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Non- Stress Test

Yesterday afternoon was my first scheduled non-stress test. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I'm scheduled to go every Tuesday and Friday until I delivered, so I prayed that it wouldn't be bad. I went to our local labor and delivery hospital and was directed to where this test area was located. It was in a part of the hospital I have never even been to. It was a very quiet room with leather recliners lined up against the wall. There was only one person working in there, and no other mothers to be hooked up to any of the equipment. She brought me to the very last chair and told me to sit and get comfortable. Hmmmm, this is not going to be as bad as I thought! I sat down and she reclined the chair to a very comfortable position, hooked 3 monitors up to my belly. (One for baby A, one for baby B, and the last for me to register any contractions.) She gave me what looked like a game show buzzer and told me to click the buzzer anytime I felt any kind of movement. She gave me a nice cold drink of water, a remote and off she went. (If I didn't bring my mom with me to this test I think I would have been fast asleep.) About 30 minutes later she came back in to check the data. Baby A was long done, she had everything she needed from her. I could have told you that, baby A was flipping around in there like she was trying out for the Olympic gymnastics team. Baby B was quiet. He must have been in his rest mode. She said to me "we gotta get this baby moving or we will be here all night", so I asked for some more water thinking that would do the trick. She returned with my drink and this little device that looked like the ear piece to an old phone. She reassured me that this would get him moving. She placed it on my belly right where he was located and zaaaaappppp. Vibrations were sent right through my belly straight to the baby. It didn't hurt one bit just felt funny, almost like a tickle. "That should do the trick", she said. He was not sleepy after that! We were out of there 15 minutes. I'm looking forward to going back Friday, maybe this will be my rest and relaxation for the week!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Watch us grow.......

32 week ultrasound

Just had my 32 week scan and both babies are a whopping 4.7lbs! That's 9.4lbs of baby in my belly - I can't get over it! I've been feeling really great. My husband and I were so happy when we left the appointment knowing the size of the babies. Not that they are ready to come out, but MAN are they close!!! I noticed I was a little more anxious than normal that night when I came home. I was happy leaving the appointment knowing they were so big, but that night I got a little freaked out knowing I had almost 10 lbs of baby in my belly -- That's a lot for little old, 5'2, me. And then it clicked......I could possibly end up with almost 14lbs of baby! YIKES!!! How is that even possible to do? We shall see, maybe now my doctor will take me at 37 weeks instead of waiting the 38. I'm all about letting them cook but truthfully I want them out when they are healthy and won't be too much of a strain on my body. Right now I feel great and I want to keep on feeling great. I have three weeks left of work and then two weeks free to spend with my daughter before the babies come. This week coming (33) I start my fetal monitoring...I have no idea what to expect so I will keep in touch. Here's the 3D image we came home with from this ultrasound - Baby B (boy) 32 weeks (Baby A was not cooperative)