Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our story...

Hi everyone! I decided to create a blog to help my family and I remember our latest adventure....TWIN PREGNANCY! Crazy, I know...twins! Sometimes I still can't believe it myself. :) I currently have a beautiful 4 year old daughter who I am totally obsessed with, and when she turned 3 years old my husband and I decided to expand our family. However, God had a very different plan for us. With my husband and I both working full time (demanding) jobs everything had to be perfectly planned out. My kids would be exactly under 4 years apart and I would have a baby in March. Sounds like the perfect plan right? Nope, not even close. After a year of trying and trying to get pregnant (and suffering one miscarriage) we both realized this was not going to be as easy as my first pregnancy. We had to turn to my OB for some serious help. After many rounds of blood work it turned out my body was not producing progesterone, a very necessary hormone to conceive. So with some discussion my doctor recommended the ovulation booster, clomid to help with healthy ovulation (I could not bare the thought of another possible miscarriage). Weighing our options...Baby? Miscarriage? Or no baby? We decided to go down the baby road with a little help. I was reassured by my doctor that he believed this would do the trick. It would be easy, affordable, and in the end give us the second baby we both desperately wanted. I can vividly remember one question my very relaxed, nothing bothers me, husband asked, "what about multiple pregnancies?". Crap, I thought as he asked this questions....could this be the deal breaker? I thought about it myself, but how bad would it be? And what were the chances? The doctor told us both --- 4% chance. We both looked at each other with a smile and the same thought....slim chance, but hey if it happens that would be "fun". So off on clomid round one 50mg I went. My round of blood work after ovulation this month was a disappointing 4. How devastating that news was. I thought this was the month I was finally going to be pregnant, even after hearing most success stories happening on round 3. So my doctor said my dose needed to be doubled and onto round 2 I went 100mg. Hello hot flashesand mood swings (my poor husband these few months)! This month my blood work was much better news, 14! I was getting closer and closer to that magic number 15! The number of a healthy egg. (How and when did I become so education on reproduction?) Still after the great news of healthy ovulation I was still not pregnant. So onto round 3 100mg (last month I prayed). This month my blood work came back at 16. Perfect ovulation number I was told by the nurse, this month had to be it! Maybe it was because I always heard the 3rd month was the charm with clomid, but I definitely felt different this month. I wasn't even late and and decided to take a test, and to my surprise it was positive. FINALLY!! After all that we were pregnant! Because of my miscarriage I had to go and get MORE blood work done to check my HCG levels to make sure they were doubling. My first draw was 35, my second was well over a 1,000. Um...last I googled about HCG levels were that they needed to double....I'm not a mathematician but that is WAY more than double. Right then and there I had a feeling there was more than one baby in my belly. Two weeks later my doctor scheduled an ultrasound. The technician was wonderful, answering all our questions showing us the beautiful sac we were praying to see. Then she moved the wand over to the left and said something I will never forget, "And here is the second sac". I knew it. We were having twins! The feeling was very overwhelming. Glancing at my husband I can see tears of joy in his eye, but my gut was not telling me to cry with joy, it was telling me to cry with fear. Two babies!? There's only supposed to be one...a million questions and issues filled my brain. It was surprising news that took me about a week to wrap my head around. I did a lot of research and spoke to other moms of multiples who had many of the same concerns I did. Will my tiny 5'2 frame be able to carry twins? Will I go full term? How will I feed both of them when my husband is working? Do they sleep in the same crib? And oh no, now I have to buy double of everything!? I'm pretty sure that my organized, ocd, worry, worry, worry, personality ruined the first week for me... my husband was so excited about how "cool" it would be and I was struck with worry on how am I going to do this. It wasn't until about two weeks after my initial ultrasound that my doctor sent me for another to check for heartbeats. And there they were two unbelievably perfect heartbeats, both around 125. Right at that moment when I was handed my little print out of my peanuts all my worries went away. How lucky am I? Two beautiful babies? As my husband says it took us so long to get pregnant with our second baby we skipped right over to the third! Onto our twin pregnancy........

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